Regional Evaluation-cum-Training Workshop (Eastern and North-Eastern Region), 2015
A 2-day evaluation-cum-training Workshop for ENVIS Centres of Eastern and North-Eastern Region (i.e., those located in the states of Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Sikkim, Tripura, Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal) was held at Guwahati, Assam hosted by ENVIS Centre at Assam Science Technology and Environment, Council (ASTEC) during 23rd and 24th March, 2015. Thirty participants from 13 ENVIS Centres— comprising both thematic and State/UT Centres— attended the Workshop.
The venue of the Workshop was NEDFi Convention Centre, Guwahati. This workshop was organised to evaluate the functioning of the ENVIS Centres as per the Guidelines of the ENVIS Scheme, framed by the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India. In addition to evaluation, an orientation-cum-training programme on Bhuvan Portal (a geo-spatial platform of National Remote Sensing Centre of ISRO) was also conducted by the scientist of NRSC, ISRO, Hyderabad.
Thirty delegates from 13 ENVIS Centres (8 State and 5 thematic) and 4 eminent experts from diverse fields participated in this workshop.
Photographs of Regional Evaluation-cum-Training Workshop (Eastern and North-Eastern Region), 2015