District Profile

Photo Source: Internet
Assam is surrounded by seven Indian States, viz. Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and West Bengal, and two countries, Bangladesh and Bhutan. The State is spread in an area of 78,438 sq. km. with a population of 2,66,38,000 as per 2001 census. The State represents 2.39% of Indian land mass and accounts for 2.64% of the total population of the country at a density of 280 per sq. km. The prevailing high pressure of population and persistently high population growth in the midst of population diversity and socio-economic backwardness in the State added by sustained efforts on the part of the people to improve the standard of living have created tremendous pressure on the environment. The challenge is to set a right balance between development and the environment ensuring a sustainable growth.
Area: 79,000 km²
Founded: August 15, 1947
Capital: Dispur
Population: 30.94 million (2012)
Administrative Map of Assam:

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